Monday 3 August 2015

Gays vs The Church

I think marriage is a human right and it shouldn't be taking away because of who you love. Do I think they should get married in a church. Why not? Why is the church allowed to have them as members, take their money in offerings, but tell them that the have to go somewhere else to get married? I understand that some pastor, preachers priest...whatever you want to call them may be fully against gay marriage and that's fine, but I have to wonder while they're being offensive and spreading nothing and abundance of hate are they thinking about the God they claim to be serving so fervently. I don't believe people choose to be gay. Who would choose to go through this kind of torment everyday? Isn't their God the same God who said that men are made in his image and likeness. Now I'm not claiming that God is gay because I've never met the guy, but if we're all made by God, like God and there is a piece of God in everyone of us then why do we continuously toss him out in the rain, beat him up, kill him, refer to him as an abomination and refuse to accept him?

                                                By: Anonymous

Welcome Home

Feel free to message me your stories or your thoughts. However, please don't ever let the balloon drop. Don't stop spreading love. If you have an opinion that may disagree with something posted on the page and you'd like to share it feel free to do so, but leave any hateful or degrading words out of it. Please remember that everyone has feelings and if you decide to neglect those feeling I will be forced to disregard your point of view. DON'T DROP THE BALLOON!
Photo by: Torbakhopper 


When I first thought of this blog I figured it should be ageless and gender-less. It shouldn't matter where you are, who you are or what your sexual orientation is. I will also try to give you some idea of what the story is about in the title, so you don't have to read it if you're not ready and you won't be tempted to say something disrespectful. Part of the purpose of internet is to bring people together and to have large amounts of information readily available. That's what I'm trying to do on a smaller scale. I don't believe it’s here for people to discriminated or judge someone based on things that are just a small part of who they are. Why not look at the whole person and what they've created out of those little things? All I ask is when you come here that you see beyond religion, beyond your culture, beyond what you've been thought and see the person through their stories. See how it's developed them, made them stronger and how it can help someone else. Don't judge them on who they love, what they've done or their circumstances, just look at the person in front of you. We've all been giving a struggle no matter how small or large that struggle may be, it's your struggle. Don't let anyone ever tell you that it doesn't matter because there are bigger problems in the world. Yes, there are more difficult problems, but how can you help someone swim if you're drowning? Every story is important and means something to someone so share yours. Don't drop the balloon!